Working at food bank

Foundations for Funding Part 1

Picture of Josie Armitage

Josie Armitage

Josie is Founder of Josie Armitage Associates.

I need funding.  Can you help me?

Not-for-profit organisations (charities, CICs and social enterprises) contact me when they need help to access funding. Usually, a Director, Senior Manager or Trustee contacts me initially.

Sometimes, they are very clear about what they want to raise money for e.g. to cover staffing and rental costs to keep going; to run a specific project; or to purchase a van so they can deliver services in their communities. Others know that they need money to survive as an organisation or start/continue a vital service but have not thought this through. Others know that they need funding but haven’t thought about what they need funding for.

First steps and planning

I always take organisations back to basics in exploring why they want funding, what for and how this fits in with their strategic direction and purpose. Asking questions helps to clarify exactly what funding is needed for and enable us to develop a simple funding plan.  This identifies each area/item they need funding for and the types of funding they need.  This can include grant funding, fundraising, crowdfunding, individual/corporate donations or membership schemes.  It also helps to focus a not-for-profit’s staff, resources and efforts, rather than a scattergun approach.

What do you want funding for?

The next step is to work through the detail of what you want funding for.  You will need to do this so you can explain to individuals, companies and funders what you are asking them to fund. If you want to run a specific project, you need to know:

  • Who do you want to help?
  • What do you plan to do to address this problem?
  • How have you helped people in your community before?
  • How much will it cost to do this?

Identifying funding opportunities

The next step is to source the identified funding opportunities e.g. donations, grants and crowdfunding opportunities.  Organisations/platforms like Givey provide a platform for you to raise donations with support and advice. Many organisations like the Aviva Community Fund and The Big Give will boost the amounts you raise through crowdfunding.  Sign up to free portals like Charity Excellence Framework:  and Idox to search for relevant grant funding opportunities.

If you want help with any of this please email or send a message through the contact page. You can download a simple template to take you through the planning process.

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