Grant Funding End-to-End Service

My comprehensive Grant Funding End-to-End service is designed to help organisations like yours access funding opportunities and secure the funding they need to survive and thrive.

Senior staff members will always recognise the importance of funding for their organisations but often don’t have the time or skillset to find and apply for funding. That’s where my service comes in. I provide advice and support to ensure that everything is in place and prepared to apply for funding. I will support or write funding applications on your behalf.

I tailor my service to your organisation’s unique needs and take the time to understand your organisation’s mission, goals, and challenges. I will work with you to develop a funding plan linked to your business plan, setting out clearly what your organisation wants funding for.

I will ensure that everything is in place to apply for funding, and will provide you with a list of funding opportunities that are relevant to your organisation, confirming eligibility to apply.
One of the key benefits of my service is that I can write high-quality grant funding applications on your behalf. I have the expertise and knowledge to ensure that your application is compelling and meets the requirements of funders. By working with me, you’ll have a better chance of success in securing the funding you need.

Don't let a lack of funding hold your organisation back.

Contact me today to learn more about how my Grant Funding End-to-End Service can help you access funding opportunities and secure the financial support you need to achieve your goals.

Josie’s advice and support have been invaluable in our success in applying for and being granted public funding over the last few months. I especially love how she has taken the time to get to really understand our company’s core objectives, which in turn means that not only is Josie finding funding opportunities that perfectly fit our work but, in addition, our success rate is higher than average. Her understanding of & expertise in what funders are really looking for in a bid is extensive. She’s really helped us to expand our business and do more of what we love. She’s fab!

Josie is a very friendly bid writer who knows her stuff and has gone over and beyond to ensure a one-stop advice centre survives through this pandemic. Would highly recommend her services, an absolute delight to work with. Thank you Josie.

My Grant Funding End-to-End service is designed to provide you with everything you need to access funding opportunities and secure the funding you need to achieve your goals. Here’s what you’ll get:

Developing Your Funding Plan

I will work with you to develop a funding plan that outlines the key priorities for funding linked to your organisation's business plan. This plan will provide focus and help ensure that your funding applications are aligned with your organisation's strategic objectives.

Everything in Place to Apply for Funding

I will ensure that everything is in place for you to apply for funding with confidence. This includes providing you with a template for funding applications that you can complete, ensuring that relevant policies are in place, and helping you access relevant documents such as governance and financial accounts, bank set up and statements.

Sourcing Relevant Funding Opportunities

I will work to source relevant funding opportunities for your organisation and check eligibility. I have the expertise and knowledge to identify funding opportunities that align with your organisation's mission and goals.

High-Quality Funding Applications

I will use my knowledge and expertise to write high-quality funding applications on your behalf. Working closely with you, I will ensure that the application accurately reflects your organisation's needs and priorities. Alternatively, if you prefer to write your own funding applications, I can provide support and advice, including reviews and feedback.

By working with me, you’ll have the confidence that comes from knowing that you have a comprehensive funding strategy in place. You’ll be better equipped to access funding opportunities, and you’ll have the support you need to submit high-quality funding applications that give you the best chance of success.

Contact me today to learn more about how I can help you access funding opportunities and secure the funding you need to achieve your goals.

Price: Contact me for a quote.

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